Email Marketing and Newsletter Templates
I’ve worked with clients that use Campaign Monitor for their email marketing needs. Campaign monitor has a handy interface called Canvas that allows users to create (mostly) responsive email. Taking cues from newly redesigned sites, I was able to create email marketing/newsletter templates that were on brand.
Email Templates vs. Original Camp Websites
Below are two different examples of email templates I’ve designed. One is for Camp Highlander, the other is for Camp Somerset (both websites I also designed). I was able to match the look and feel of each site, however, since email clients are 10 years behind website standards I had to make a few concessions.
The two main concessions were custom fonts and responsivity (yes, I made that word up). I matched fonts in these custom emails as closely as possible to their respective webfonts using only system fonts. Also, I had to create assets knowing that email clients don’t support media queries, I had to make sure photos would scale to all viewport sizes nicely. Take a closer look below: